We believe that every consumer is now involved in making the world a better place.
Brands must make a positive commitment and demonstrate their usefulness to society.
We support them by proposing a personalized and non-intrusive approach, capitalizing on the trust-based relationships established between micro or macro-influencers and their subscribers to create a performance generating dialogue.
Want to discuss your strategy?
Dorian Meschin tells you more
Based on the observation that advertising performance on social networks is currently being shaken up by the rapid evolution of consumption patterns, the agency wishes to complete the consumer journey by including the influential content dimension as a lever of engagement and reassurance with increasingly sensitive and demanding audiences.
Frédéric ROY – Journalist at CB NEWS
Keeping control of the distribution framework by limiting intermediaries and piloting operations based on media KPIs is, in our opinion, the best way to include the influence lever in a long-term marketing performance strategy.
Alban Besnier,
Directeur Général Adjoint Orixa Media.
Activations on the social platform(s) that are most likely to promote a qualitative response.
Nous collaborons en direct avec les influenceurs ou leurs agents pour gagner en flexibilité et aller jusqu’au bout de nos partis-pris.
A measure of the effectiveness of our actions both in terms of engagement and performance.